Development of Voice and Face Recognition Based Security Software for Biometric Systems




Computer programming, Voice recognition, Security systems, Face recognition


Nowadays, technology continues to make our life easier in every field. It is not possible to provide a high level of security access in security systems without the use of technology. Facial recognition and voice recognition technologies are encountered in many applications in every area of our lives. In this study, a sample application was developed by using a combination of face recognition and voice recognition technologies to create a security system. The Speech.dll library was used to control voice commands and the EmguCV libraries for face recognition. The application was developed in C # programming language. In this application, a security system with a very controlled structure was developed due to the importance of security systems. With the developed application, any high-security operation can be carried out anywhere with computer control. In the developed application, a method with two controls was proposed to provide security control of any system.

Author Biography

Murat KOKLU, Selcuk University

Murat KOKLU was born in Konya, TURKEY in 1979. He received B.Sc. degrees in Computer System Teaching in 2002 and Computer Engineering in 2019 from the Selcuk University. He received M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees from Selcuk University, Departments of Electronics and Computer Sciences, and Computer Engineering, in 2005 and 2014 respectively. He has been working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Selcuk University. His current research interests include image processing, data mining and artificial intelligence.




How to Cite

AVUCLU, E., & KOKLU, M. (2023). Development of Voice and Face Recognition Based Security Software for Biometric Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Trends in Applied Sciences, 1, 40–47.